Thursday, November 15, 2018


I made an inference as  you can see on this video



I really enjoyed doing this. I found it really easy.

Protractor Maths

In maths I have been working on Geometry - measuring Angles.

I have done a Hexagon matching puzzle, Name angle measuring art, Protractor golf,

and a beginners measuring angles activity.

This is a photo of my name angle art.  For this piece of work I had to write my names using a ruler,

and using straight lines.  

Then we had to measure the all the angles in our name using protractors.
In maths I have been working on Geometry - measuring Angles.

I have done a Hexagon matching puzzle, Name angle measuring art, Protractor golf, and a beginners measuring angles activity.

This is a photo of my name angle art.  For this piece of work I had to write my names using a ruler, and using straight lines.  

Then we had to measure the all the angles in our name using protractors.

I found this

tricky because sometimes there were so many angles to measure it got confusing.

tricky because most of the angles that were right angles but some were off by 2 degrees.

Easy to rule my name.

Easy as soon as I understood how to measure angles using the protractor.
Next time I could

I found this Tricky because most of the angles that were right angles but some were off by 2 degrees.

Easy as soon as I understood how to measure angles using the protractor.

Next time I could,

Try and make a different shape out of my letters.