Thursday, November 15, 2018


I made an inference as  you can see on this video



I really enjoyed doing this. I found it really easy.

Protractor Maths

In maths I have been working on Geometry - measuring Angles.

I have done a Hexagon matching puzzle, Name angle measuring art, Protractor golf,

and a beginners measuring angles activity.

This is a photo of my name angle art.  For this piece of work I had to write my names using a ruler,

and using straight lines.  

Then we had to measure the all the angles in our name using protractors.
In maths I have been working on Geometry - measuring Angles.

I have done a Hexagon matching puzzle, Name angle measuring art, Protractor golf, and a beginners measuring angles activity.

This is a photo of my name angle art.  For this piece of work I had to write my names using a ruler, and using straight lines.  

Then we had to measure the all the angles in our name using protractors.

I found this

tricky because sometimes there were so many angles to measure it got confusing.

tricky because most of the angles that were right angles but some were off by 2 degrees.

Easy to rule my name.

Easy as soon as I understood how to measure angles using the protractor.
Next time I could

I found this Tricky because most of the angles that were right angles but some were off by 2 degrees.

Easy as soon as I understood how to measure angles using the protractor.

Next time I could,

Try and make a different shape out of my letters.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Jesus Christ's Story Historical Fiction

Reflection This story was dedicated to God and my oupa (grandpa) I really enjoy the past and this was one of my highlights for the year.

Fantasy Story

Reflect I found this fun because I really used my imagination I should have included a cat (my favourite animal) anyways I had some fun going back and assessing after some great feedback! Hope you enjoy my s†ore or and enjoyed.

Michael Murpurgo Poster

Kensukes Word Vocabulary


This is my reading blog post what we had to do for this, is we had to find out the meaning of chosen words from Michael Murpugo Kensukes kingdom, I chose these words because I don't know what they me.

How To Convert Mixed FraRtions Into Improper Fractions

This concept was really fun to learn with Mrs Graham because she explained it in a ay that everybody understood! I really enjoyed making this because I had just learned about animation! This slide might also go to all the year four teachers for people in year fours to learn.

Math Blog Slide

 On this blog post I decided it would be cool if I just put at least 2 or 3 blog posts in one so it would be faster. I had fun doing this and the theme is awesome! And I found this really easy to construct together! :)

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Progress In Room 19 2.0

Progress In Room 19 2.0

In Room 19 2.0 the class has changed and is now blue and Albert Einstein EVERYWHERE.But we are very happy.Our favourite thing was to do the paper dancing.Paper dancing is when there is news paper or a news paper sized piece paper, the first thing is everybody in a group of three has to stand on it then fold it in half. Then SURVIVE!! My team made it to the final but then we lost. Beside's losing our teacher.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Persuasive Speech


I found this easy.I enjoyed writing and learning more awesome things about cats!I wrote this speech because recently I had adopted a kitten named Steve and he's really awesome and cuddly so he inspired me. I also wrote this because cats are really awesome and theres not enough of them and there is more dog lovers than cats so I thought maybe I could make more cat lovers at my school.I also wrote this speech to find out more about cats and they are such awesome animals.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Plastic ShowCase HDPE 2

 WALT- To create a poster about a type plastic. I found this easy because I was finding facts online and putting them on paper. My next step is to make the extra decorations related to the topic and design my poster so that it is easier for the audience to read.

Math Blog Post

LI: knowing 100s and 1000s in large numbers. Reflection In my Math work, I am learning to use place value. I found this manageable because I like math and need to improve a little bit. I need to work on this more to know my place value places better.


This is my writing work. I am learning to write a speech. I found this concept hard. The thing that helped me most to understand was My Teacher Mr Terry The hardest part was writing it down on paper because my hands started to hurt. My next step is to write a longer persuasive writing speech.

Reading Blog Post

Reflection This is my Reading work. I found this concept easy. The thing that helped me most to understand was My Teacher The hardest part was Choosing work to display My next step is to do more work

Monday, June 25, 2018

Place Value Compare Numbers

 In my math work, I am learning to Compare Numbers,and learn place value. I found this easy because I like math and place value. I need to work on knowing my basic facts/ Place value more.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Spider Diagrams Charlotts Web

  I found this easy to find Images. It was hard To find facts. Next time I should look for the right web sights.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Little Pig Reading Follow Up

 One day at 9:00 Pm. A little pig named George came to Eps School in hope to grab at least 20, MacBooks! He Crawled over the gate, and as he got to the top he Saw spikes! He used a "Super HighTech Machine" STYRA-FOAM!  he crawled over the fence and ran to room 19. He used a clip and opened the door. When he got inside. He wondered why the lights were on. When he looked behind him to look out for any people he saw a man, with glasses and  a suit. He hid under, a table the man came in. The pig noticed a label on his keys Mr. Terry He was scared he crawled but then all of a sudden the Nyan cat song, started playing and, Mr Terry danced. The pig tried not, to laugh but he couldn't help it, Mr Terry noticed him and beat him up. Then he called the police and George was gone! 


I Found this fun and  easy especially funny I bet Mr Terry Dances amazingly in real life!

I think I could Try to make it longer next time.


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Math-Splitting Numbers

Reflection I found this easy because I always use the spitting numbers strategy for math and equations. I found this hard because on 1,000,000 I wasn't too sure at first what to make a million out of. I think next time I should make the sums harder.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Read with Expression

My Reflection
 I was learning to read with expression fluently. It was easiest to do the voices. The hardest part was reading big words. Next I need to try sound out the words in my head.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


 I found this easy because i like summarising and I think its easy because your just retelling
something that you read or someone told you and saying it tin less than a hundred words .

Charlottes Web Stereotype

 I found this hard because when it came to teenager it was really hard to answer.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Reflective Blog Post

                     Reflective Blog Post- Fantasy Writing

I think my story could have more description and not as much speaking.

It could of had more Characters.

I liked my story because it had quite a lot of humour.

I think I could work on the exaggeration.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Fantasy Writing

 I found this fun and easy because I love Fantasy writing and unicorns so this was a plus.
  My next step is to brainstorm more and not finish as quickly

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Welcome 2018

Hello my name is Sarah 

I am now in year 6, 2018.

I am so excited about camp and Softball and Netball clinic.

My new teacher (the best there is) Mr Terry I am so lucky to join him in room 19 with my awesome, Classmates.

I look forward for the rest of the year and see what the future holds.

It would be nice for you to comment and tell me if your'e just as excited as I am.